Camo Pest Control

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"You'll see us coming, but your pests won't!"

Category: Biting Insects



Ticks Ticks Camo Pest Control has a targeted tick control plan using specific products and application. Give us a call today @ (830) 560-6960.

Fire Ants

Fire Ants A typical fire ant colony produces large mounds in open areas, and feed on plants, insects and seeds. Fire ants often attack small animals such as lizards or frogs and can kill them. Unlike many other ants, which bite and then spray acid on the wound, fire ants bite only to get a grip and then sting (from the abdomen) and inject a toxic alkaloid venom. For humans, this is a painful sting, a sensation similar to what one feels when burned by fire (hence the name), and the after-effects of the sting can be deadly to sensitive people. Fire ants are more aggressive than most native species, and have pushed many species away from their local habitat. Invasive Species – Fire Ants Fire ants are not only annoying pests to have in your yard, they can also invade your home or business. In Texas, we experience some pretty hot temperatures which most often time leads to droughts, or the extreme opposite effect of flooding rains. Both of these conditions will bring fire ants into your home or business in search of food, water, and nesting sites.  Fire ants are persistent! The key to successful long-term fire ant control is to be as persistent as the ants. Even if you kill every fire ant in your yard, new queens will soon be landing after their mating flights and starting new colonies. But if you treat for these fire ants preventively, you can keep most of these new colonies from surviving to become big mounds. There are many types of ants, but fire ants can be the worst. If you need help with a fire ant treatment or a pest control plan contact Camo Pest Control. We can help you with all of your pest control needs, including these horrible and invasive fire ants. Camo Pest Control can help you eradicate these pests. Call (830) 560-6960 to schedule a visit.


Mosquitoes Mosquitoes carry diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, chikungunya, West Nile virus, and zika. They can also transmit heartworms to your dogs. New!!! We now install outdoor mosquito misting systems for your home or business.

Brown Recluse Spider

Brown Recluse Spider The Black Widow and Brown Recluse are the two most venomous spiders in Texas. They can be found indoors and outdoors. Brown Recluse spider bites result in small blisters and swelling around the bite. A bite may result in restlessness, fever, and difficulty sleeping. Brown recluse spider bites may heal slowly and could be prone to infection. Medical attention is encouraged so that the symptoms can be managed. Camo Pest Control has a targeted spider control plan using specific products and application. Give us a call today @ (830) 560-6960.

Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spider The Black Widow and Brown Recluse are the two most venomous spiders in Texas. They can be found indoors and outdoors. Black Widow spiders have venom strong enough to compromise the nervous system of a person that has been bitten. Black widow spider bite symptoms include vomiting, difficulty breathing, fever, and stomach cramps. Medical attention should be sought for help if a bite occurs. Camo Pest Control has a targeted spider control plan using specific products and application. Give us a call today @ (830) 560-6960.
